Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Painting class

Painting is one of those things that, if you haven't done it, seems so mysterious and possibly difficult. Something that only "artistic" or "talented" people could do successfully. Well, David Ryan is here to prove you wrong. Painting is for everyone, and with decades of teaching experience, David Ryan should know.

Photo from: http://everythingbecky.com/
In this one day workshop, David will lead you in an exploration of the process of creating an artwork. From intuition and improvisation, through to the more formal aspects of art making and the traditional techniques, and the secrets of colour, space and light. Sounds like a lot to cover in one day - but it is possible!

Having worked with thousands of students, and with his own discoveries as an artist and art educator David has developed this open-ended method to inspire, encourage and develop each student's individual aims.

David's workshop will be held on Thursday 19th June (0am-4pm), at the Highland Pipe Band Rooms in Motueka. The workshop costs $40 (plus materials such as paints, brushes, and paper). To register, or for further information, contact Pania: manysmalldots@gmail.com.

Photo from http://community.dur.ac.uk
David is a traditionally trained full time professional artist and former senior lecturer in art at RMIT
University, Melbourne. With over two decades of teaching experience and over 21 solo exhibitions and over 31 curated group exhibitions in New Zealand, Australia and Europe - including the Australian National Gallery, and National Galleries of Victoria, South Australia and NSW, and the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art. As well as being an artist he was also the Co-Director of Project Space gallery, Melbourne and curator for the emedia gallery, CCP (Centre for Contemporary Photography), Melbourne and a senior lecturer / program coordinator at the Faculty of Art and Design, RMIT University, Melbourne. He has lived and worked in Australia, India and Malaysia and has resided in Nelson since 2004. He currently exhibits in New Zealand with Whitespace, Auckland and is one of the founders of Creative Journeys - a community-based arts education school in Nelson.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Winter Workshops window display

Che Vincent's bonsai workshop
 Today, Kim Ireland (who is running the Illustration workshop this year), and I created a window display in the Hospice Shop window on High St in Motueka. We really love all the wee people involved in their winter workshop.
Emma Marshall's needlecraft workshops
If you're in Motueka, come and take a look.
David Ryan's painting workshop

Riemke Ensing's poetry workshop

Oliver Mitchell's silver jewellery making workshop

Registrations for the Winter Workshops are coming in thick and fast. If you want to register for a workshop, now is the time to do it. You can view the programme here.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Winter Workshops Programme 2014

motueka arts council

Winter Workshop Programme

21 May – 12 August 2014

1. Improv Theatre: is the art of coming to the stage with an open mind instead of a script. Each interaction is spontaneous; every story is fresh. In these workshops you'll learn the basics of how to build a story in the moment and how to support yourself and your fellows actors to go with the flow! No previous theatre experience necessary. Ages 15 to 115. WARNING: May contain uproarious laughter! Maximum 12 students.
Tutor: Damara Sylvester runs Inside Out Circus and Physical Theatre company locally, and is also a member of Nelson's Body in Space theatre company.
WHEN: Weds May 21st, 28th & June 4th, 11th (7:30pm-9pm)
WHERE: Community House, Decks Reserve
COST: $40
Find out more about Damara and the theatre workshops here.

2. Exploration of the body through Dance: explore strength, mobility, and the flow of energy through your body. Participants may participate at their own pace, listening to the messages of their body. We will explore force, calm, strength, agility, the rhythm of different music, and the chords it does/not strike in our bodies. Prepare to sweat, prepare to move, and prepare to be moved. All ages and levels of physical ability welcome. Maximum 15 students.  
Tutor: Jane McKinstry is a trained and experienced Nia teacher with a passion for movement.
WHEN: Mondays June 2nd, 9th, 16th, & 23rd (12pm-1pm)  
WHERE: Imagine Theatre
COST: $35

3. Modern Crewel Embroidery Sampler: crewel embroidery is a free-form embroidery technique that uses a variety of different embroidery stitches to follow a design outline applied to the fabric. In this workshop, we'll bring the technique out of the 17th century and into the 21st. Participants will learn a variety of embroidery stitches and create a sampler to take home as a personalized art work. No sewing experience required. All material supplied. BYO lunch.
Tutor: Emma Marshall is known for her beautiful handmade worry freaks and plush toys and is infectiously enthusiastic about fabric and needle-work.
WHEN: Saturday, 14th June (10am-3pm)
WHERE: Highland Pipe Band Room COST: $50 (incl. materials)
You can find out more about Emma and the Embroidery workshop here.

4. Hand-sewn Felt Dudes: spend the day developing your ideas for a small Felt Dude (or two!) to take home with you. In this workshop you’ll be guided through creating your Dude’s character, designing a pattern, and using hand sewing techniques to bring him to life. All materials are supplied. Minimal sewing experience required. BYO lunch.
Tutor: Emma Marshall (see above)
WHEN: Sat 21st June (10am-3pm)
WHERE: Highland Pipe Bands Rooms
COST: $50 (incl. materials)
You can find out more about Emma and the Embroidery workshop here.

5. Painterly Painting: explore the process of creating an artwork from intuition and improvisation through to the formal aspects of art making and the traditional techniques, and secrets of colour, space and light. Includes demonstrations, techniques, discussion and critical analysis. Suitable for all levels of ability.
Tutor: David Ryan is a traditionally trained full time professional artist and former senior lecturer in art at RMIT University, Melbourne.
WHEN: Thurs 19th June (10am-4pm)
WHERE: Highland Pipe Band Rooms
COST: $40 (plus materials such as paints, brushes, and paper)

6. Mosaics workshop: learn how to design your own mosaic, to cut and break tiles, and to construct an art work that will last. By the end of this 2 day workshop you will have the skills to confidently complete further mosaic projects at home. Maximum 10 students. BYO lunch.
Tutor: Elvira van der Waay has been teaching people how to make mosaics since 1996.
WHEN: Tues 17th & Weds 18th June (9:30am-5pm)
WHERE: To be confirmed
COST: $95 (incl. $45 materials)

7. Silver jewellery making: in this two day workshop you will be guided through the processes of making your own silver jewellery. The workshop covers making your design through to translating it into a ring, pendant, or brooch. All tools and materials provided. Maximum 4 students only.
Tutor: Oliver Mitchell is an accomplished artist with many years experience teaching silver jewellery making.
WHEN: Fri 27th & Sat 28th June (10am-3pm)
WHERE: To be confirmed
COST: $90 (incl. materials)

8. Poetry with Riemke Ensing: spend two half days exploring the beauty of poetry with acclaimed poet Riemke Ensing. On the first day, read and discuss poetry by published poets. On the following day, take some of the ideas examined on Day 1 and write your own original poetry with expert guidance from Riemke. Riemke will also be delivering a reading of her poetry at the Motueka Library at 5:15pm on Tuesday 8th July.
Tutor: Riemke Ensing, who currently lives in Auckland, is a highly regarded poet of national significance. Her poetry is represented extensively in anthologies and her work has appeared in many publications both in New Zealand and overseas.
WHEN: Weds 9th July & Thurs 10th July (10am-1pm)
WHERE: To be confirmed
COST: $50
You can find out more about Riemke and her poetry workshop here.

9. Richard Nunns talks about Traditional Maori musical instruments Dr Richard Nunns QSM is a living authority on nga taonga puoro (Maori traditional musical instruments). He has been described as one of New Zealand’s most remarkable musicians and has received national and international recognition as he takes the instruments into dialoguewith different cultures and musical genres. This is not a workshop, but a show-and-tell. Come and listen to Richard Nunns describe and discuss these incredible musical instruments. WHEN: Fri 11th July (7pm)
WHERE: Chanel Arts Centre
COST: $10 (seats limited, book in advance)
You can find out more about Richard and his presentation here.

10. Koauau (Maori flute) making workshop: following on from Richard Nunns’ talk on Maori wind instruments, Tim will guide you in a full-day workshop making your own koauau (flute) out of bone or bamboo. All materials and equipment supplied. BYO lunch.
Tutor: Tim Wraight is an artist specialising in wood sculpture. Tim's training in the art of wood carving has included eight years working with traditional Maori woodcarver John Mutu, at Te Awhina Marae in Motueka.
WHEN: Sat 12th July (10am-3pm)
WHERE: Tim’s studio, Otuwhero estuary, Marahau
COST: $30 (incl. materials)
You can find out more about Tim and the Koauau workshop here.

11. Chinese Cookery class: let Ryoko introduce you to the wonders of Chinese cooking. You’ll discover the delicate flavours and and textures of genuine flour and yeast-based Chinese cooking - such as dumplings! Four delicious 2 hour sessions will be followed by a Chinese feast to share with friends and family. Maximum 12 students.
Tutor: Ryoko Takahashi spends her days cooking and thinking about Chinese food. Her enthusiasm for, and knowledge of, Chinese cookery is inspiring. WHEN: Thursdays July 3rd - 31st (6pm-8pm) with Chinese feast on the final evening, 4:30pm onwards - bring a friend or family member.
WHERE: MoTech kitchen, Pah St
COST: $65 (plus ingredients)
You can find out more about Ryoko and the Chinese Cooking workshop here.

12. Body Percussion: in this workshop, you will find your hands, feet, legs, arms, and voice become alive with sound. Lenny will have you stomping, clapping, slapping, singing, whistling, and finding all kinds of rhythms. This class is for everyone - regardless of how musical or rhythmic you think you are.
Tutor: Lenny Chick is an experienced percussionist and music teacher. He is known for his love of music, and his magical ability to find music anywhere. WHEN: Sat 5th & 12th July (adults) 9:30am-10:30am and Mon-Fri, 7th-11th July (children) 9:30am-10:15am
WHERE: Imagine Theatre
COST: $20 (adults), $30 (children)
You can find out more about Lenny and the Body Percussion workshops here.

13. Machine Softies: go through the process of designing your own stuffed toy, and then creating it - from concept design to finish. You will learn the basics of stuffed toy pattern design, the properties of different fabrics, and how to give your toy a personality. Participants need to have basic machine sewing skills, bring a sewing machine, and spare needles for their machine. BYO lunch.
Tutor: Emma Marshall (see above).
WHEN: Sat & Sun, 12th & 13th July (10am-3pm)
WHERE: Highland Pipe Band Room
COST: $50 (incl. materials)
You can find out more about Emma and the Machine Softies workshop here.

14. Illustrating Nature: using subject matter such as bugs, animals, skeletons, and shells, Kim will guide you in honing your eye to the subtleties of tone, colour and form found in the natural world. The series of five 3-hour workshops will result in a handmade, concertina book. Previous drawing experience not essential. Maximum 6 students.
Tutor: Kim Ireland is a trained and experienced illustrator.
WHEN: Tues 8th - 29th July & August 12th (6pm-9pm)
WHERE: Highland Pipe Band Rooms
COST: $120 (plus materials such as coloured pencils, paper, and watercolours)
You can read more about Kim and the Illustrating Nature workshop here.

15. Tie-dying basics: not “just for hippies”, tie-dying is a great skill for those wanting to revive an old favourite, dye new clothes, and for quilters who want to create one-of-a-kind fabrics. Over two days you will learn numerous ways of binding fabric to achieve various colour patterns with the direct application of fibre-reactive dyes. Maximum 12 students. BYO lunch and materials to dye - such as fabric or t-shirts.
Tutor: Jenell Howells is a tie-dying addict. Be inspired by her enthusiasm and extensive knowledge.
WHEN: Sat, 19th & 26th July (10am-2pm)
WHERE: ATET, 420 Main Rd, Riwaka
COST: $50 (incl. dyes)

16. Bonsai: this hands-on workshop will introduce participants to the basics of training and styling plants in the bonsai style. Plants will be provided, but you’ll need to bring a pot for your plant.
Tutor: Che Vincent is a local artist and sculptor with a passion for the natural world. He is also deeply interested in plants and gardens and is the creator of the cactus and succulent garden at Riverside Cafe.
WHEN: Tues, 22 July (12:30pm-3:30pm)
WHERE: Riverside Cafe
COST: $20
You can find out more about Che and his Bonsai workshop here.

17. Physical Theatre: is the the means by which story, emotion and character is conveyed on stage through the body. This day-long workshop is an introduction to how to create “physical vocabulary” for the stage, with a focus on the ensemble. All levels of theatre experience welcome. Ages 16+. Maximum 12 students. BYO lunch.
Tutor: Damara Sylvester (see above).
WHEN: Sat 26th July (10am-3pm)
WHERE: Riverside Community Hall
COST: $40
Find out more about Damara and the theatre workshops here.

18. Singing for fun: experience the fun of singing together in a group. The unaccompanied songs will include a mix of simple rounds, waiata, gospel, and songs from around the world. On the final evening, the group will be recorded so that participants can take home a recording of what they have achieved over the course. It is not necessary to be able to read music. Bring a folder to keep words to the songs together.
Tutor: Barbie Cole co-leads local World Music choir Inakord and leads the Gospel Sunday choir. Both of which are community choirs with a focus on enjoyment.
WHEN: Weds 25 June - 30th July (7pm-9pm)
WHERE: St Thomas Church Foyer
COST: $40

19. Nuno scarf workshop: in this workshop you will make a “nuno scarf” - a scarf of hand-dyed silk tissue with merino and silk felted onto it. Nuno felting incorporates several layers of loose fibres to build up colour, texture, and/or design elements in the finished fabric. Maximum 6 people.
Tutor: Shirley Wallace is an award-winning fibre artist.
WHEN: Weds 30th July (9:30am - 3:30pm)
WHERE: To be confirmed
COST: $40 (incl. materials)

20. Mixed Media Collage: in this workshop, you will learn about using mixed media elements to create a finished collage. Experiment with a wide range of media, techniques, and materials (such as vintage or found paper and fabric). All materials will be provided, however participants may bring along any materials that they would like to experiment with. Maximum 10 students. BYO lunch. Tutor: Fleur Woods is an artist whose art often involves an element of mixed media, such as vintage papers and found objects layered alongside fabric and paint.
WHEN: Sat & Sun, 2nd & 3rd August (10am-4pm)
WHERE: Highland Pipe Band Rooms
COST: $60 (incl. materials)
You can find out more about Fleur Woods and her Mixed Media workshop here.

21. Exploration of Hand Printing Techniques: you will have the chance to experiment with a range of hand printing techniques including block, stencil and screen printing. Print your own wrapping paper, greeting cards, napkins, jam labels or tea towels. Learn the processes and have lots of fun creating your own designs. BYO lunch.
Tutor: Jen Bowmast has worked as a designer for many years. She currently runs Print Mistress, a homewares brand specialising in hand screen printed textiles.
WHEN: Sat & Sun, 9th & 10th August (11am-4pm)
WHERE: ATET, 420 Main Rd, Riwaka
COST: $50 (incl. materials)


Pay online or at the bank: Westpac 030693 0139987 00; stating your name and the workshops you are attending. Alternatively, drop off payment and registration forms at Westrupps Jewellers, High St, Motueka; or post to: Pania Konecna, Workshop Co-ordinator, PO Box 121, Motueka. Cheques are payable to Motueka Arts Council.

Phone: Pania on 5284115, or 022 3752559, or email: manysmalldots@gmail.com, for further information.


Motueka Arts Council Workshop 2014 Registration Form 
(Copy and print, or save, and email, post, or otherwise get - courier pigeon perhaps - information to Pania: manysmalldots@gmail.com. Thank you!)



Phone: ……………………………….




➽Fee enclosed: $…………………

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Poetry with Riemke Ensing

I am very pleased to introduce you to Riemke Ensing, a highly regarded poet of national significance who will be delivering two half-day poetry writing workshops during the Winter Workshops this year.

T'ai Chi

From Poems for China
(for Zhang Weiping in prison)

If the space where they keep you
the next years is just a little
larger than the length of your outstretched
arm, you’ll be able to visualize clouds
and move them away
with a slow graceful turn
of your hand should they frown
or darken to form rain. A few movements
will shape you trees to shade your head
and the hard board of your bed
will be earth sprung bright with flowers
and new grass. You might be tempted
to tense a melon out of the early vapours of air
and imagine, oh imagine that cool caress for breakfast.
These acts will make you
strong, subtle as ink brush-stroked on paper
all those centuries ago.
Remember the story told of the woman in prison.
She knew Beethoven well. From inside
each day she conducted a quartet. Each part separately
in her head, then putting all four instruments together
silently as she sat there in solitary confinement.
It took years, but the music lifted the sky
into that darkness, and the sun
gave back her life.

 Riemke Ensing was born in The Netherlands, in 1939 and immigrated to New Zealand in 1951.  Speaking no English, she first went to school in Dargaville, then to Ardmore Teachers’ Training College, after which she taught for two years, returning to the College to lecture in English literature for a year.  She again became a fulltime student and on graduating M.A (Hons) in 1967, was appointed as a tutor in the English Department at the University of Auckland, where she taught till 1999.  She has since been appointed an Honorary Research Fellow (Faculty of Arts) and in 2002 was a Buddle Findlay Sargeson Fellow. 

Her poetry is represented extensively in anthologies and her work has appeared in many publications both in New Zealand and overseas.

‘Ensing’s fascination with art pervades her work, providing her with a significant European / Antipodean matrix.’
The Cambridge Guide to Women’s Writing in English

‘The most striking and original characteristic of her poetry is its extremely visual quality … a whole system of connections on an international as well as a historical level, suggesting that it is above all through art that the lines of communication are kept open.’
Simone Oettli, University of Geneva, in World Literature Today, Spring 2001

For more information about Riemke you can visit her website.

Riemke Ensing's poetry writing workshop will be held on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th July, between 10am and 1pm. Places in this workshop are limited to 20 participants. Riemke will also be delivering a reading of her poetry, followed by a Q&A session, at the Motueka Library at 5:15pm on Tuesday 8th July. Entry to the reading is by gold coin donation.

If you would like to book a place in Riemke Ensing's poetry writing workshop, contact Pania on 03 5284115, or 022 3752559, or via email: manysmalldots@gmail.com.